Posts by Sue Hollister Barr

Bountiful Boundaries

Carol Kirkpatrick, possibly the brightest writer I ever met in a writing group (proof positive being her ability to scribble out a pithy, brilliantly crafted story on the spot) had the additional charm of treating me to an oral history of Brooklyn whenever we walked its streets together.  Combining warmth,…

Hospital Healing

Carol Kirkpatrick, possibly the brightest writer I ever met in a writing group (proof positive being her ability to scribble out a pithy, brilliantly crafted story on the spot) had the additional charm of treating me to an oral history of Brooklyn whenever we walked its streets together.  My hope…

Dropping Dead

Carol Kirkpatrick, possibly the brightest writer I ever met in a writing group (proof positive being her ability to scribble out a pithy, brilliantly crafted story on the spot) had the additional charm of treating me to an oral history of Brooklyn whenever we walked its streets together.  My hope…

Punishing Parameters

Carol Kirkpatrick, possibly the brightest writer I ever met in a writing group (proof positive being her ability to scribble out a pithy, brilliantly crafted story on the spot) had the additional charm of treating me to an oral history of Brooklyn whenever we walked its streets together.  Combining warmth,…

Raucous Res

Other Stuff
Married with children.  Closeted in a predictable, somewhat sterile, suburbia. It was a sudden overabundance of dental bills that pushed me over the edge. I’d been living off the father of my children for a very long time.  My youngest child had finally entered school, ending my excuse to pursue…

Dad’s Dementia

It started with his complaining that he was forgetting names. I pooh-poohed it, pointing out that I was 30 years younger and I never remembered people’s names. In retrospect I shouldn’t have used myself as a yardstick. My dad had spent his life working with large groups of people whose…

Ridiculous Rating

Total Recall (2012) I’ve always loved but their 6.2-out-of-10 rating for the 2012 version of Total Recall, starring Colin Farrell and Bokeem Woodbine, is nothing short of criminal.  This brilliantly inventive, supremely high-octane, sci fi film deserves no less than…and I’m being conservative here…an 11.  The world-building alone, with…

Senior Statesmen

Senior Statesmen…not!  Would that the two bickering children I beheld on June 27th…who I can only forgive because both of these senior citizens have obviously lost it one way or another…could even be described as gentlemen! Given my own age, I am…whether you like it or not…claiming the right to…

Idiotic Intelligence

Flash Fiction
My calling this fiction is, tragically, a bit of a stretch… “But I’m holding the letter I received today in my hand!  At first I thought, when I started getting these letters, that it was a scam, an attempt to get me to call some bogus number and give my…

Two Titillations

Not too long ago…as a former acquisitions editor for a literary agency…I searched for some promising beginnings in books of all genres for a special promotion.  My rejection-vs.-acceptance rate was about 25 rejected for each one I accepted, and I didn’t allow myself to be swayed by the opinions of…