Tales of the Storage Space, Part 46

The Storage Space would have been quite violently ill if only a building could…  No!  Those dreadful little filthy vermin people could be quite violently ill!  It was the very least they deserved, an appallingly inadequate punishment, really!  But why would a dignified old building who’d never ruined an exquisite carpet with boots encrusted with horse manure, let alone killed anyone or anything…like a charmingly dainty, old tea room…aspire to doing anything at all that people could do?  The Storage Space determined it would never think like that again.  Really it felt quite strongly…  Was absolutely adamant…

“I wouldn’t blame you!”

Oh…  Well…  It was that Karen, who’d actually spoken aloud to the poor, long-suffering Storage Unit.  She was a bit…different…maybe…after all.

“Wouldn’t blame me for what?”

Le Grand Rat had answered her!  Must have thought she was talking to him, the fool.  But to be fair he was at present cleaning up the nauseatingly disgusting mess that Karen’s storage unit had become.

“For anything…”

Karen had jumped when he answered her, but her response was almost loving, flirty.  The Storage Space doubted Irwin would notice the slight shudder still in her voice.

“Anything?”  Failing to see the look of sheer terror it prompted, that coarse beast put his hand on her derriere.  When she apparently couldn’t suppress a little jerk, he responded with an altogether lewd smile.  He must have mistaken her reaction for pleasure.

Karen pulled herself together, managing a weak smile when she turned to look at him.  “When we’re done with all this and have…a more suitable place for your…anything.”

Even Le Grand Rat looked a tad disbelieving in response to that one.  Still, he shoved the remaining filth into a garbage bag with his bare hand before using that same hand to grab a handful of the French fries he’d brought for Karen and stuff them in his mouth.  Then he poured a bucketful of disinfectant all over the floor, all without noticing that Karen had all but passed out behind him and hadn’t helped at all.

But he did notice when she managed to stir herself enough to grab the empty bucket and stash it with what had been salvaged of her possessions.  “Hey!”

She jumped, then managed a wink.  “In case I can’t make it to the ladies’ room.”  Her eyes rolled up as she passed out so completely that her tongue lolled out of her mouth.

“Or my ‘anything’ means I’ll have to get that saw out and clean up another mess.”

Karen was oblivious, but the Storage Space remembered all too well how Irwin had disposed of the last dead body.

Irwin grabbed her bosom.  That registered, and she forced her eyes open.  Wildly, she looked around before producing an innocent child’s smile that would have been a credit to the finest actress.  “Say, did you get some food and drink we can share first?”

He grabbed the food and moved even closer.

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