Timely Time


Tale’s been told before.  But I stumbled onto the 2019 film version of Out of Time on Amazon Prime (note the rhyme), and I was delighted.  I think it deserves far better than imdb.com’s 6.0 (out of 10) here.  Snazzoid production values?  No.  Bunch of science fiction tropes?  Yup.  But a deft enough handling that nothing got my eyes rolling.  (And that is one hell of a lot more than I can say for the recent avalanche of Truly Terrible films I’ve had to click off in despair and disgust of late, despite all their monster-sized budgets and flashy special effects.)

The aliens keep switching bodies, which keeps things interesting with a whole sequence of well-done cameo performances and even supplies a subtle touch of humor.  But it’s the chemistry of the cops chasing them (Nadege August and Blake Boyd) that steals the show.  So, please, crank up the air conditioning (oops, you didn’t hear that environmentalists), grab the bon bons (trail mix?), and enjoy the show.

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