Viral Victory

General Rantings

NOT Wanted Dead or Alive:  SARS-CoV-2.  Hell, we know so little about this beast that’s responsible for our currently resurging pandemic, that we don’t even know if it IS dead or alive.  Most biologists say a virus isn’t alive, so do they feel anything as they float in the air like zombie automatons, waiting for some hapless human to inhale?  Is the moment when they attach to our cells…and burst into an at-least pseudo-life where they can replicate…pseudo-orgasmic?

Effective rate for most recent flu vaccine?  45%.  Effective rate for Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine?  95%.  Current COVID-19 victory, human or viral?  Viral.  95% means nothing when only 1% of the human population has currently been vaccinated worldwide.  Even in the USA, where about a third of the population has been fully vaccinated, it’s been estimated that one in four people will refuse the vaccine.  Will 75% vaccinated be enough to achieve the much-coveted “herd immunity”?  No.

So, thanks to our own actions and inactions, welcome to the COVID Era.  It may wax.  It may wane.  It may subside enough to be, for a lot of us, a more removed threat as we add our yearly booster shots to our to-do lists.  Or it may mutate, given all the humans we’re allowing it to replicate in, into a deadly enough variant to wipe out our entire species.  But, one way or the other, it doesn’t look like it’ll be going away anytime soon.

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