Wade Was Withdrawn

Guest Posts

Democratic Dallas Prosecutor Henry Wade’s detachment may have made Jane Roe’s victory possible, but his fellow Democrats’ detachment has made overturning Roe v. Wade possible.  My friend Ina contributes some food for thought:

Guest Post by Ina Bransome

Women of means (white feminists and white women of means) will always have access to abortions.  Poor folks, indigenous, those of color, teens if poor?  These will not.  That’s one thing I think we all know.  Second:  the Right fought and worked quietly but unceasingly.  Overturning Roe v. Wade has been their goal for decades, and they have done the unsexy, not-in-the-spotlight work, state-by-state, to accomplish their goal.  They only supported Trump, for whom abortion has been a good and necessary friend all his whoring years, when he agreed to publish a list they requested of all the judges he would appoint.  My daughter reminded me that only then did the evangelicals endorse him.  (I mean it’s not like any Christian mistakes Trump for a Christian, right?)  They then rode him when he agreed to accomplish their one main goal.

I’m sorry, and I’m sad to say it, but the Democratic Party has false leaders.  They have been bought and are like marionettes operated by the corporate rule David Korten detailed was coming decades ago.  Otherwise how do you understand that policies that are overwhelmingly supported, even across the red and blue divide, often simply cannot get enacted into law.  Obama started with the Democratic backing to accomplish much but didn’t.  Biden has also had so much power that he hasn’t used.

You’ve got to ask yourself why.

I think the Democrats raise more money when not in power and prefer a victim position or an “at least we’re not Trump” position.

I’m okay with not being anonymous when it comes to my disappointment with the Democrats.  I find their hypocrisy heartbreaking.

Ina Bransome, IBCLC
Int’l Board Certified Lactation Consultant


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