Changes, Part 12


Continued from previous weeks…

Cars whiz by on the highway.  Waves pound the beach.  Seagulls cry.

Ritchie catches up with the two blondes in string bikinis.  He puts his arms around them and sings, “Baby, everything is all right.  Uptight, clean out of sight.”  They shrug him off and start running in the surf.  Ritchie chases them.

The wino shakes his head.  “Blondes will be the death of you, Ritchie!”  Then he rushes up the stairs into Ritchie’s house.

Mona staggers and is barely able to talk.  “Infinity…”

That wipes the smile off Gary’s face.  “No, Mona.  Reality.  Just one.  This reality.  You saved us; you got us back.  But do not think about my intellectual bullshit again, at least until you’re no longer stoned on that ‘better than acid.’  If ever.  I’ve learned something:  Life is far better if it’s kept simple!”

Mona:  “Simple…”

Gary:  “That’s right, Mona.  Simple.  Let’s go help the wino raid Ritchie’s fridge.”

To be continued next week…

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